(PFWS) Delhi 5, Rajpur
Road, Delhi - 110054
10:00 - 18:00
Monday to Friday
123 456 789
Goldsmith Hall
New York, NY 90210
07:30 - 19:00
Monday to Friday
दिल्ली पुलिस परिवार की महिलाओं को सशक्त बनाने के उद्देश्य से समिति ने कल्याण केंद्रन्यू पुलिस लाइंस में Driving Simulator Centre, चार-पहिया व दुई-पहिया वाहन चलाने हेतु प्रशिक्षण सत्र शुरू करने का उद्घाटन किया| महिलाओं ने बढ़-चढ़कर इन सत्रों को सीखने के लिए भाग लिया|समिति अध्यक्षा श्रीमती रितु अरोरा जी ने सभी महिलाओं को इन सत्रों में भाग लेने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया|इस अवसर पर समिति सदस्याएं व दिल्ली पुलिस के वरिष्ठ अधिकारी भी उपस्थित रहे|
दिल्ली पुलिस परिवार के विशिष्ट बच्चों के स्वावलंबन हेतु ‘स्मिता-कल्याण केंद्र’ की ‘न्यू विंग’ का उद्घाटन, समिति अध्यक्षा, श्रीमती रितु अरोरा जी के कर-कमलों द्वारा किया गया। इस अवसर पर समिति की सदस्याएँ व उपायुक्त श्री कुमार ज्ञानेश जी मौजूद रहे।अध्यक्षा महोदय जी ने विशिष्ट बच्चों व उनके अभिभावकों से वार्तालाप कर उपचार व प्रगति के बारे में वार्तालाप भी किया। इसके पश्चात अध्यक्षा महोदया ने वृक्षारोपण किया साथ ही विशिष्ट बच्चों ने भी पौधारोपण किया।श्रीमती रितु अरोरा जी ने सभी थेरापिस्ट से वार्तालाप कर उन्हें विशिष्ट बच्चों के स्वावलंबन हेतु अपना बेहतर से बेहतर योगदान देने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया।साथ ही सभी अभिभावकों को शुभकामनाएँ दी।
दिल्ली पुलिस परिवार की महिलाओं को सशक्त बनाने के उद्देश्य से समिति ने कल्याण केंद्रन्यू पुलिस लाइंस में Driving Simulator Centre, चार-पहिया व दुई-पहिया वाहन चलाने हेतु प्रशिक्षण सत्र शुरू करने का उद्घाटन किया| महिलाओं ने बढ़-चढ़कर इन सत्रों को सीखने के लिए भाग लिया|समिति अध्यक्षा श्रीमती रितु अरोरा जी ने सभी महिलाओं को इन सत्रों में भाग लेने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया|इस अवसर पर समिति सदस्याएं व दिल्ली पुलिस के वरिष्ठ अधिकारी भी उपस्थित रहे|
दिल्ली पुलिस परिवार की महिलाओं को सशक्त बनाने के उद्देश्य से समिति ने कल्याण केंद्र मालवीय नगर में Driving Simulator Centre, चार-पहिया व दुई-पहिया वाहन चलाने हेतु प्रशिक्षण सत्र शुरू करने का उद्घाटन किया| महिलाओं ने बढ़-चढ़कर इन सत्रों को सीखने के लिए भाग लिया|समिति अध्यक्षा श्रीमती रितु अरोरा जी ने सभी महिलाओं को इन सत्रों में भाग लेने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया|इस अवसर पर समिति सदस्याएं व दिल्ली पुलिस के वरिष्ठ अधिकारी भी उपस्थित रहे|
दिल्ली पुलिस परिवार की महिलाओं को स्वतंत्र एवं आत्म निर्भर बनाने के उद्देश्य से समिति ने कल्याण केंद्र-ज्योति नगर में Singer India के सहयोग से कौशल विकास केंद्र का उद्घाटन किया| समिति अध्यक्षा ने सभी महिलाओं से वार्तालाप आकर उन्हे सिलाई-कढ़ाई सीखने के लिए प्रेरित किया व साथ ही इस कौशल को सीखने का लाभ बताया| इस अवसर पर समिति की सदस्याएं व कल्याण केंद्र ज्योति नगर की समूह नायिका भी उपस्थित रहीं| सभी दिल्ली पुलिस परिवार की महिलाओं ने समिति के इस कदम को सराहा और बढ़-चढ़कर सिलाई -कढ़ाई के इस पाठ्यक्रम में भाग लिया|
पुलिस परिवार कल्याण समिति द्वारा दिल्ली पुलिस परिवार के विशेष क्षमताओं वाले बच्चों हेतु “स्मिता” केंद्र का उद्घाटन दिनांक 05.01.2024 को मुख्य अतिथि श्रीमती सोनल शाह जी ,प्रख्यात शिक्षाविद एवं समाज सेविका के कर कमलों द्वारा किया गया |मुख्य अतिथि महोदया ने समिति द्वारा पुलिस परिवारों के लिए “स्मिता” केंद्र पर प्रदान करी जाने वाली सेवाओं की सराहना करी |समिति अध्यक्षा, श्रीमती ,रितु अरोरा जी ने विशेष बच्चों व उनके अभिभावकों को संबोधित करते हुए कहा कि “स्मिता” में उपलब्ध सेवाओं का अपने बच्चों के विकास के लिए जरूर लाभ उठाएँ| कल्याण शाखा,उपायुक्त व समिति सचिव, श्री कुमार ज्ञानेश जी ने सभागार में उपस्थित सभी सम्मानित अतिथियों को “स्मिता” के लाभ व लक्ष्य के बारे में परिचित कराया |मुख्य अतिथि महोदया ने ,पंडित दिन दयाल उपाध्याय राष्ट्रीय शारीरिक दिव्यांगजन संस्थान व राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा गार्ड ,प्रेरणा केंद्र ,मानेसर के विशेषज्ञों को “स्मिता” के स्थापना में अपना महत्वपूर्ण योगदान देने हेतु समिति स्मृति चिन्ह द्वारा सम्मानित किया |
Adding yet another feather to the cap, An initiative-“हुनर बनेगा पहचान which aims to impart stitching skills to the Delhi Police Families was inaugurated by President, PFWS, Smt. Ritu Arora. The initiative was taken up with the help of Singer India Ltd. During her visit to the Welfare Centre, Malviya Nagar on the occasion of PFWS Week, she addressed the families and informed them regarding the various other initiatives taken up by PFWS and also encouraged their participation to learn and polish the skill of stitching with basic and advance courses introduced in association with Singer India Ltd. and further motivated them to use their skill for an extra source of income. The basic and advanced stitching courses are being introduced successfully at all the Welfare Centres.
जो इस अवसर पर ,अलग-अलग दिशाओं में पुलिस परिवारों की अधिकाधिक भागीदारी से बेहतरीन प्रदर्शन करने वाले कल्याण केंद्रों को सम्माननित किया गया |दिल्ली पुलिस परिवारों को भारत के स्वर्णिम काल के बारे में लाइट एण्ड लजेर शो के माध्यम से दिखाया गया |और समिति के 51 वर्षों के प्रयासों को विडिओ के माध्यम से दिखाया गया |
The stage was set and the curtains were about to be raised when the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic struck suddenly and subsequently lockdown was imposed. The final rehearsal of the show was performed enthusiastically by our police family members who were very hopeful of a successful show.
In pursuance of the prevailing pandemic situation, we have crafted and edited a virtual show of our 49th Raising Day from the rehearsal videos and released on YouTube to appreciate the hardwork behind the planning and execution of the programme put forth by each and every member of the PFWS team, Delhi Police personnel and our police families.
A herbal garden “ SANJEEVANI “and an activity hall was inaugurated by Smt. Pratima Shrivastava, President PFWS On 25/5/21 at Model Town Welfare Centre. On the occasion, the President PFWS, by planting some herbs tree in the garden along with other welfare team leader’s .This garden has more than 20 variety of medicinal and culinary value plants. President PFWS suggested to have such herbal garden at every welfare centres. President PFWS addressed the residents & apprised them the benefits n importance of herbs and plant in our life. She also requested them to take care of the garden as their own.
However, this year, due to the lockdown, it looked like the children might have to miss it.
So, President, PFWS came up with the brilliant idea of hosting the Summer Camp online which ensured that the children stayed safe and yet were able to participate in the camp without any fear. PFWS announced online activities such as drawing, video making, poem, songs, essay writing etc. to be conducted in all the police colonies of Delhi from the 16th to 30th May. On hearing this, there was all round cheer.
After the commencement of the camp, around 300 children from under 5 years to adolescents participated in its online activities which brought to fore their creative and sensitive side. The activities were judged by renowned persons who were experts in their fields. Winners were adjudged on their merit and given exciting prizes and lauded for their capabilities. The summer camps ended with the promise of holding even bigger and better camps in the future. It was a great opportunity for our children who showed tremendous zeal and competitive spirit in these very tough times and would have idled away their time, had it not been for this wonderfully invigorating summer camp.
The response to the idea was very encouraging and people from all the 10 centres participated in the competition with lots of enthusiasm and vigour to showcase their culinary skills. They took great pains to make their demo videos in the right get up and with utmost hygiene and great presentation.
The contest took place through a Facebook page called PFWS Preneur and over a hundred recipes were collected from welfare centres across Delhi. To cherish the efforts and skills for posterity, all the recipes have been carefully compiled in the form of a cookery book titled, “PFWS Chefs” whose 1st Edition was recently launched.
The e-book version of PFWS Chef was launched by respected Smt. Sonal Shah, W/o Hon’ble Minister of Home Affairs, Shri Amit Shah during the PFWS virtual concert, WE CARE.
Realising the need to teach our workers about the beauty and craft of terracotta pottery, PFWS, in association with the Uttar Pradesh Institute Of Design, Lucknow organised a workshop on terracotta pottery on 7th November, 2020 at the Jyoti Nagar Welfare Centre. The workshop was conducted by Dr. Garima (UPID) and designer Shri Ishwar Singh from Jaipur. Many Team Leaders and about 20 members of police families were present for the workshop which taught different types of terracotta designs to the ladies present. As a token of gratitude, an appreciation letter was given to Dr. Garima (UPID) by Smt. Poorva Ved Surya, Team leader of Welfare Centre Jyoti Nagar.
A webinar on the topic “Pre-Menopause to Menopause: Managing the changing stages of Life” was held on 10th June 2020 in association with Forum for Democracy. The webinar was beneficial for the PFWS ladies wherein very important issues related to women were discussed by experts.
Delhi Police is constantly performing their duties in fighting against the pandemic caused due to novel Corona Virus (COVID 19). But, they need care too. PFWS is doing its duty to safeguard the Delhi Police personnel and their family members from the threat of COVID 19. Under the guidance of President PFWS, Mrs. Pratima Shrivasatava, Police Families Welfare Society is making Masks & Hand Sanitizers to distribute among the Delhi Police personnel and their family members free of cost in order to fight against the deadly novel Corona Virus (COVID-19). The masks are being prepared at PFWS Skill & Production Centre, Model Town. A dedicated and trained staff has started production of Hand Sanitizers at the Hand Sanitizer Production Unit at Welfare Centre New Police Lines exclusively for the police personnel and their family members.
An effort and step towards empowerment of women of our community through skill development, as per the vision of patron, Shri Amulya Patnaik, and guidance of Smt. Suchana Patnaik, President, PFWS was implemented successfully by Dr. Sushi Singh Vice President PFWS and her able team at two welfare centres. PFWS opened two skill development centres under the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) which is implemented by National Skill Development Council (NSDC) and Skills Root (approved training partner of NSDC) which is running at Model Town and Narela Police Colonies centres for imparting training in Assistant Beauty Therapist and Self-Employed Tailor courses respectively.
PFWS introduced our youth to “Hunar Se Rozgar” a skill development program run by Ashok Institute of Hospitality and Tourism Management, India Tourism Development Corporation under Ministry of Tourism, Government of India in Hospitality trades. In the first phase, 9 candidates (18 years and above 12th pass) have joined a 3-month long course, where they were trained as “Front office associate”. This training was free of cost and on successful completion of training program, followed by a test, certificates were issued to all candidates by Ashok Institute of Hospitality & Tourism Management on behalf of Ministry of Tourism Government of India. This initiative has been well received by the youth and appreciated by one and all.
Considering the need for providing better opportunities to our Delhi Police families, “Delhi Police Job Fair” was organised on 1st December, 2018 in partnership with Axis Bank, under the aegis of Welfare Wing of Delhi Police and Police Families Welfare Society (PFWS). This time it was organised exclusively for the youth and retired police personnel. The President PFWS, Smt. Suchana Patnaik and the Commissioner of Delhi Police, Shri Amulya Patnaik were the Chief Guests of the opening and closing ceremonies respectively. 128 Corporate Entities participated in the event and more than 8000 candidates registered for the jobs in different age categories. During the screening process held prior to the fair, 1600 candidates qualified and appeared for the interview. During the closing ceremony, The Commissioner of Delhi Police, Shri Amulya Patnaik, in his address, mentioned that owing to paucity of time and demanding nature of work of police personnel, It is essential that the Delhi Police takes step to meet their needs.
PFWS has been working consistently towards women empowerment. A food preservation course was organised for the resident ladies to nurture and hone their culinary skills. A five-day workshop was conducted at Ahata Kidara and NPL Welfare Centres by Mr. Kuldeep, Mrs. Sunita Arora and Mr. Ramesh from Ministry of Women And Child Development. President, PFWS, Smt. Suchana Patnaik graced the occasion and motivated the ladies to come forward and use the facility provided to them at their door-step. Our enthusiastic ladies learned a variety of cuisines, traditional sweets, squash, and pickles etc. They were sensitized on the nutritional value of the food and also how to preserve the nutrient value of fruits and vegetables. This course provided valuable hands-on training to the ladies who wish to pursue a career in the food industry. On the completion of this course, they received certificates from the Ministry of Women And Child Development and now they are qualified to start their own venture.
The wards of police personnel interested to take up civil service jobs, were given a chance to boost up their calibres through our new initiative under WAJIFA. Police Familes Welfare Society organised a workshop on Civil Services Examination for civil services aspirants of our police families on 18.01.2018 at 17, Mother Teresa Crescent. Success Guru A. K Mishra, Founder and Director of “Chanakya IAS Academy, addressed the Civil Services aspirants at the workshop and shared mantras to achieve success in Civil Services Examination. He also promised to support our initiative to help economically weaker strata of our police families.Smt Suchana Patnaik, president PFWS and Dr Sushi Singh, Vice President, PFWS also motivated the young aspirants. After this workshop, a scholarship exam was conducted for civil services aspirants of our police families at Chanakya Academy and 5 students out of 36 were shortlisted for scholarship. These students are taking discounted coaching at Chanakya IAS Academy.
PFWS launched a Green Initiative ‘WOW’ (wealth out of waste) on waste management in collaboration with ESREE foundation. In this regard, a program was held at welfare centre Malviya Nagar and Smt. Suchana Patnaik, President, PFWS, inaugurated this pilot project in the presence of Sh. Madhusudhan, Senior Consultant, ESREE foundation and senior members of PFWS. Sh. Madhusudhan introduced and explained the project. Members of ESREE Foundation sensitized the residents about the benefits of segregation of waste and how to make compost out of Kitchen waste with the help of Nukkad Natak and talks. They emphasized the crucial issue of post-consumer waste management and proper segregation and recycling of waste. With the continuous efforts of the ESREE team and our team leaders and welfare staff, more and more families are getting involved in the process. PFWS is committed to implementing this initiative in other Police Colonies in the coming months. ‘Be a part of the solution, not a part of the pollution’.
Police Family Welfare Society (PFWS) is a non-profit organization which was registered under the Societies Registration Act in the year 1972 as an autonomous body to look after the welfare of the police personnel and their families.
Police Families Welfare Society (Regd.) Delhi, 5 Rajpur Road, Delhi - 110054